Devagarinho vou mostrando um pouquinho do que elas aprontaram por lá!
Queria muito ter feito parte destes momentos, mas de uma forma ou de outra estive com elas o tempo todo!
As férias do ano que vem serão comigo!!! E aí vamos nos divertir juntas muitãoooooooo!!!
Fiquei feliz delas terem podido ter bons momentos. Confiram!
Grunge Papers: PA_MagicColors_PPGrunge_Set1 by Patrícia Amaral
Antique Frames: PA_AntiquePaper_Frames by Patrícia Amaral
Photowrap: PA_SophiasGardenCollec by Patrícia Amaral
Photowrap: PA_Photo_Wraps_Vol2 by Patrícia Amaral
Overlay: Pathy&Loreta-ChristmasJoy&HappinessEP01 by Loreta Labarca with PA_My_Fancy_Glitter_Styles_Set Comercial Use by Patrícia Amaral
Leafs, metalplate: jenwilson_afternoon lagoon by Jen Wilson
Paperbackedbrad: jenwilson_allofaboy by Jen Wilson
Beadedwire: jenwilson_Day Dreamer by Jen Wilson
Twill_onring: jenwilson_Being by Jen Wilson
Stringofbeads: jenwilson_beautifulyou by Jen Wilson
Hingedlock: JenWilson_AtticCorner by Jen Wilson
Snaps: jenwilson_arealboy by Jen Wilson
Fibers: jenwilson_alltiedup_neapolitan by Jen Wilson
Jewels and pinhinge: jenwilson_butterflyhaven by Jen Wilson
Twillwsnaps: jenwilson_CalmWinds by Jen Wilson
Ministuds: jenwilson_Caring by Jen Wilson
Journalmat: jenwilson_Everyday by Jen Wilson
Beadedstring, twine and paperflowers: JenWilson_FrenchGazebo by Jen Wilson
XPaper: jenwilson_GrandadsLap by Jen Wilson
Set of tags: jenwilson_Grow-ing by Jen Wilson
Envelope and tag: jenwilson_holidayexcellence_pagepackage by Jen Wilson
Dragonflys: jenwilson_Hop-ing by Jen Wilson
Duneflower: jenwilson_SandDune by Jen Wilson
Beadedflowers: jenwilson_sbaccessories by Jen Wilson
Alpha: jenwilson_WHCBT_K by Jen Wilson
Leafs: TSIMS_Autumn-Memories by Traci Sims
Butterfly: TSIMS_Blue-Topaz-Sampler by Traci Sims
Font: Tempus Sans ITC
Patrícia Amaral @