4 de mai. de 2007
Montar LOs com o auxilio de Sketch Plates simplesmente é tudo de bom! Quando sketch é bem feito, bem montado, então... nem se fala!!!!
Aproveitem os sketchs da Anita Stergiou! Estão em promoção temporária na loja!
Vejam os LOs que eu fiz usando sketchs!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

AStergiou_sketchPLATE03 by Anita Stergiou
AStergiou_Floriade by Anita Stergiou
Anita Stergiou: at http://www.anitastergioudesigns.com/shoppe/
or at http://www.ndisb.com/store/ or at http://www.pickleberrypop.com/shop/
Font: Velvet Script
You are so beautiful
To me
You are so beautiful
To me
Can't you see
You're everything I hoped for
You're everything I need
You are so beautiful
To me
By Joe Cocker
Thank you for looking!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
AStergiou_sketchPLATE04 by Anita Stergiou
Kit: AStergiou_StrawIcedKiss by Anita Stergiou
Anita Stergiou: at http://www.anitastergioudesigns.com/shoppe/
or at http://www.ndisb.com/store/ or at http://www.pickleberrypop.com/shop/
Journaling: Celebrate the Little Things! This day was a very special day for us. We had a beautiful day, walking through the tourist points of Brasília. We were with the aunt Elke, Kekeias and aunt Patrícia. Here it is the Esplanade of the Ministries 21/07/2007
Font: Diva
Thanks for looking

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
AStergiou_sketchPLATE05 by Anita Stergiou
Kit: AStergiou_Floriade by Anita Stergiou
Anita Stergiou: at http://www.anitastergioudesigns.com/shoppe/
or at http://www.ndisb.com/store/ or at http://www.pickleberrypop.com/shop/
Font: FZ HAND 6 EX
Friend is thing to stay
Under 7 keys,
Inside of the heart,
spoke like this the song that I heard in America,
but who sang regretted when seeing your friend to leave,
but who was, in the thought flew,
your song that the other reminded
And who flew in the thought was,
a memory that the other sang.
Friend is thing to stay
On the left side of the chest,
even if the time and the distance say no,
same forgetting the song.
The one that imports is to hear the voice that comes from the heart.
Be what it comes,
come what comes
Any day friend I return for meeting
Any day friend, we will meet.
(Canção da América - Milton Nascimento)
Brasília 21/01/07
Thank You for looking

posted by Claudia at 8:23 PM |


At 11:20 AM, Blogger Elaine Bittencourt

Amiga querida, que fotos lindas! Os layouts estao lindos demais, como sempre ;) !


At 7:24 PM, Blogger Elkinha

eu amo esta canção!!!!

qualquer dia amiga eu canto ela pra ti!!!!
prometo que vou chorar nesse dia!!!!



At 11:02 PM, Blogger Patricia

Que coisa mais linda, Claudia!
Nossa, esse Lo além de lindo é uma bela homenagem, né?
Que Deus te abençoe sempre, sempre, amiga! Te adoro!
Com carinho,


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